Here para-medical services, physical and occupational therapy, music, art, gardening, movement and other kinds of therapy, meals and social events are provided daily for the severely disabled, old or young, especially those recovering from CVA or accidents. This continued rehabilitation takes up where the hospital and health funds leave off. The participants are brought to the centers in Yad Sarah’s vans, receive their treatments from professionals and volunteers, enjoy a cooked meal and are then brought home by van. The activities at these centers often stops or slows the deterioration in their condition, and at times even improves it - and their caregivers are also given a "breathing spell."
For further details, contact the rehab centers:
Jerusalem: Yad Sarah House 124 Herzl Blvd. Tel. 02-644-4633
Rishon Le-Zion: 11 Rothschild Street, Tel. 03-967-9714