On July 27th, Hezbollah's rocket attack on the Majdal Shams community killed 12 children and injured at least 44 others. The town is still in shock, and Yad Sarah's new local branch is providing life-...
Mrs. A was hit by a car while walking down the street. The accident left her with the pain of her injuries and the fear that her medical expenses wouldn't be covered by her insurance. When the insuran...
Adele Goldberg, FOYS Executive Director writes, "As we find ourselves grappling with the challenges brought about by the outbreak of war in Israel, the strength of the Yad Sarah community ha...
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Friends of Yad Sarah earned a gold-level GuideStar seal for its commitment to transparency.
Daily Giving aims to enable every Jew to easily perform the mitzvah of tzedaka every single day, and to disburse those funds to deserving Jewish non-profit organizations around the world.
Friends of Yad Sarah, Inc.
445 Park Avenue, Suite 1702
New York, NY 10022 USA