• In Jerusalem, a unique hotel offers respite for women who have experienced stillbirth
    Moriel Yamin was six months pregnant with her first child when Hamas terrorists overran the police station opposite her home in Sderot, killing 35 people. In November, Yamin suffered excruciating contractions... Three days after Shira Chaya was born, the infant died.
    June 25, 2024
  • War or Not, Yad Sarah’s Mobile Clinics Bring Oral Health to the Elderly and Disabled
    Improving oral health is what Yad Sarah has undertaken to do with its Mobile Dental Unit, a traveling “dental clinic” that brings professionals and care to the homes of the elderly and others who can’t afford – or can’t get out – to the dentist.
    Times of Israel
    June 23, 2024
  • Supporting Maternal Mental Health: The Essential Work of Yad Sarah
    Yad Sarah understands the immense pressure and emotional toll that new parents face, and we recognize the vital role that any support plays in helping to lower the risk of severe postpartum mental health issues. That’s why Yad Sarah offers a range of services to support expecting and new mothers along with their families, and has recently launched vital services for women and families who experience stillbirth or perinatal loss.
    Times of Israel
    May 29, 2024
  • Yad Sarah volunteers assist bereaved families to Yom Hazikaron commemorations
    Yad Sarah, the leading nongovernmental healthcare and social services organization in Israel, helped bereaved individuals visit the gravesites of their loved ones and ceremonies at cemeteries this Yom Hazikaron (Israeli Memorial Day).
    May 13, 2024
  • Transformative Memories— We Must Keep Going, Renewed and Emboldened
    To date, Yad Sarah has distributed rehab equipment to about 13,245 people with injuries related to Oct. 7 and the war. In addition to medical equipment, we also provide services such as transporting wounded veterans anywhere they need to be, from reunions with their units to funerals of comrades, to family events.
    Times of Israel
    May 7, 2024
  • For many Israelis this Passover, celebrating the Festival of Freedom feels impossible
    This year, Noam Safir and her family will order takeout for the Passover seder because her mother Moshit has no energy to cook a festive meal, as she has done in past years. Moshit is the daughter of the oldest Israeli hostage held by Hamas — Shlomo Mansour, 86.
    April 19, 2024
  • Home for the Holidays: How Yad Sarah helps people celebrate the seder at home
    For us at Yad Sarah, these weeks leading up to Passover are always busy, as we strive to ensure that as many people as possible can celebrate the holiday in the comfort of their homes, surrounded by loved ones. Amid the flurry of ongoing initiatives and projects, this year holds particular significance as we have extended our services and programs to help those evacuated from the north and south of the country and those suffering injuries from the ongoing fighting.
    The Times of Israel
    April 17, 2024
  • Why volunteering as an older adult elevates both individuals and nonprofits
    In one day, Chava David, 80, can experience a range of emotions as she volunteers in the Shaare Zedek Medical Center branch of Yad Sarah, Israel’s largest medical nonprofit. In one moment, she finds herself crying with the distressed mother of a wounded soldier who needs rehabilitation after fighting in Gaza. Only a few minutes later, she takes part in the joy of childbirth when a new father comes in to borrow a car seat and crib.
    April 16, 2024
  • On high alert since October 7, hospitals were already prepared to deal with Iran attack
    When Iran fired hundreds of missiles and drones at Israel overnight Saturday-Sunday, there was no need for Israeli hospitals to go onto emergency footing; they have been on high alert since the beginning of the war with Hamas in Gaza six months ago, employing an extensive range of strategies to be ready for any eventuality.
    The Times of Israel
    April 15, 2024
  • Yad Sarah encourages Israelis to welcome recovering heroes, evacuees, and seniors to the Seder
    Yad Sarah, Israel’s leading NGO, extends Passover aid amidst the war surge, offering medical equipment loans, oxygen concentrators, and power generators for comfort and support.
    The Jerusalem Post
    April 11, 2024
  • Yad Sarah buys new home-hospital van with Daily Giving funds
    A generous donation from 18,000 “Daily Givers” allows Yad Sarah to expand its home-hospital service and reduce pressure on overwhelmed hospitals in Israel.
    March 14, 2024
  • War Testing Israel's Biggest Medical Aid Volunteer Group
    Yad Sarah has been helping Israelis in crisis for nearly 50 years, but the scope of post-October 7 needs has overwhelmed even its seasoned volunteers.
    March 5, 2024
  • Surviving a Hezbollah Power Grid Strike
    In the face of the multi-front war that the country currently faces, Yad Sarah is undertaking a first-time-ever, first-time-anywhere project to provide life-saving oxygen supply, ensuring that thousands of people dependent on oxygen support can get it, even if the power goes out.
    Times of Israel
    March 5, 2024
  • Israeli organization building emergency medical equipment amid war escalations
    Having boosted its activity amid wartime, the non-governmental organization with its 7,000 volunteers has distributed a full year’s worth of medical equipment loans within just three months.
    The Jerusalem Post
    February 25, 2024
  • As Houthi attacks disrupt Red Sea shipping, Yad Sarah flies in critical medical equipment
    With funding from the Jewish Federations of North America, the medical nonprofit is bringing in dozens of containers' worth of oxygen generators, physical therapy machines and other gear
    eJewish Philanthropy
    February 9, 2024
  • Yad Sarah receives first airlift of medical aid as it avoids Houthi attacks
    The attacks of Iran-backed Houthi rebels on ships in the Red Sea have wreaked havoc on imports to countries passing through the body of water, and among those Israeli organizations that have suffered is the voluntary organization, Yad Sarah.
    The Jerusalem Post
    February 8, 2024
  • Chibuk: When The World Forgets…We Will Remember
    Teaming up with organizations such... Yad Sarah, Chibuk is creating a safety net, a financial and emotional support system that remains steadfast even as the world around these families moves forward.
    Queens Jewish Link
    January 31, 2024
  • On This Holocaust Remembrance Day, One Cannot, Should not, Forget about the Survivors
    About one-third of Holocaust survivors in Israel live in poverty.... At Yad Sarah, we serve over 35,000 of these survivors, providing them with medical equipment, an emergency hotline, free legal advice, caregiver support, and now, in the midst of war, temporary housing.
    Times of Israel
    January 25, 2024
  • How to better heal Israel’s wounded
    Cooperation between the public health system, nonprofits and the private sector is essential to ensuring proper physical and mental rehabilitation.
    January 21, 2024
  • Houthi attacks in Red Sea delay arrival of critical Yad Sarah medical equipment
    Medical aid volunteer group says 64 containers with medical supplies due this month are delayed, and it’s grappling with shortages
    Times of Israel
    January 21, 2024
  • How Houthi attacks on ships in the Red Sea threaten Israel’s economy
    Even small changes to the supply chain can pose major challenges for the supply of medical supplies amid an “unprecedented number” of war casualties, said Moshe Cohen, chief executive of Yad Sarah, the largest nongovernmental medical supplies lender in Israel.
    Washington Post
    January 20, 2024
  • Movers and shakers in Israeli society
    18 North American students are participating in a birthright Israel Onwards mission at Yad Sarah, where they have undertaken a variety of volunteer efforts for two weeks.
    The Jerusalem Post
    January 6, 2024
  • IDF soldiers recover Yad Sarah equipment looted by Hamas terrorists
    IDF soldiers raided a Nukhba terrorist's home in Gaza and found equipment belonging to Yad Sarah that had been looted during the attack on the Gaza surrounding communities on October 7.
    Israel National News
    December 19, 2023
  • Israel’s Long Road to Rehabilitation: Following The Yad Sarah Model
    Since Israel was forced into war with Hamas in Gaza after the horrendous Oct. 7 attacks, the country faces an unprecedented need for humanitarian aid.
    The Times of Israel
    December 13, 2023
  • Where Do You Donate, and How Do You Make Sure Your Money Gets There?
    The proliferation of charities that have sprung up — seemingly out of nowhere — following Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack is mind-boggling.
    Philadelphia Jewish Exponent
    December 6, 2023
  • Nonprofit pharmacy organization provides free medication to evacuees
    The nonprofit organization, Briut Shava Lakol, brings free medications to people who lost their homes or were forced to leave them for safety during Israel's war against Hamas.
    The Jerusalem Post
    December 3, 2023
  • Yad Sarah's accessible hotel opens its doors to displaced Israelis
    Yirmiyahu 33 is just one of the many hotels that are currently occupied by displaced Israelis, with the crucial difference that the Yad Sarah facility is designed for accessibllity.
    The Jerusalem Post
    October 26, 2023
  • Making Sure Lives, and Life, Goes On
    “We can’t find our 79-year-old mother, help us!!” a caller pleaded over the line to the Yad Sarah emergency center as the atrocities in the south of Israel unfolded on Simchat Torah morning.
    Times of Israel
    October 22, 2023
  • Israeli NGO Yad Sarah ups emergency efforts
    Yad Sarah, Israel’s leading volunteer-staffed organization has rapidly expanded its operations. Its large-scale relief efforts are coordinated in collaboration with hospital administrations, the IDF, Israel Police, and population intake centers for evacuees.
    October 16, 2023
    Voluntary healthcare service provider opens a unique recovery and wellness center where women receive emotional support following the trauma of newborn death.
    October 12, 2023
  • Israeli nonprofit offers wheelchair users a chance to visit Jerusalem’s Old City before Yom Kippur
    With specially equipped vans and trained tour guides, the medical charity Yad Sarah brings 18 people to the Western Wall for a Selichot tour.
    September 21, 2023
  • Young Adults With Mobility and Medical Challenges Enjoy Birthright Israel Trip With OU’s Israel Free Spirit
    Thanks to Yad Sarah, the group was able to borrow six extra wheelchairs, shower and bath chairs, and other equipment which contributed to participants’ comfort.
    September 21, 2023
  • Lending Closets Offer Free Medical Equipment
    Yad Sarah was the inspiration for Wheel It Forward, a recently launched loan program serving parts of Connecticut and New York.
    September 1, 2023
  • Donors Want Value: How Nonprofits Can Deliver More
    Recently, an organization dedicated to helping women who experience stillbirth or perinatal loss approached my organization, Yad Sarah, requested we set up a respite and recovery center for these women.
    August 31, 2023
  • New respite facility opens for patients discharged from Shaare Zedek on Shabbat
    Yad Sarah last week opened a new interim respite facility for family members and convalescents who are discharged from Shaare Zedek Medical Center during Shabbat (the Sabbath), freeing beds for new patients, but who cannot travel home for any reason until Shabbat ends.
    Arutz Sheva
    August 24, 2023
  • Israeli NGO promotes summertime accessibility with transportation services
    In a bid to promote summertime accessibility and mobility, Israeli NGO Yad Sarah reported that volunteer drivers of its fleet of accessible vans have provided over 4,400 rides for individuals who are wheelchair-bound through June and July 2023 alone.
    Disability Insider
    August 17, 2023
  • This week in Jerusalem: Whose kashrut is it?
    Yad Sarah has opened Israel’s first recovery and wellness center for women who have suffered the tragedy of a stillbirth or perinatal loss.
    The Jerusalem Post
    August 11, 2023
  • Experience Tikkun Olam: Volun-touring Opportunities In Israel
    Tikkun olam, the Jewish value of “repairing the world,” is a dynamic daily reality in Israel. If you’re planning a visit, you can participate, too. There are many “volun-touring” activities accessible for English-speakers.
    Zenger News
    July 21, 2023
  • Israeli nonprofit opens hotel for women who experience pregnancy loss
    Top researcher says this kind of center offers a key first step to helping women, couples overcome the trauma of stillbirth.
    eJewish Philanthropy
    July 14, 2023
  • What We Get By Giving
    There is no question that Yad Sarah saves and transforms thousands of lives every day. With the help of donors and a national network of volunteers, an elderly woman gets the walker she needs; lifesaving help is delivered within minutes to the home of a man who falls down; and a disabled boy can visit the beach, thanks to a ride in Yad Sarah’s accessible van.
    Times of Israel
    July 10, 2023
  • Wheelchair-accessible ambulance dedicated in memory of Lord Jonathan Sacks
    The late Chief Rabbi's Chief rabbi's brothers Brian, Alan and Eliot attend event in Jerusalem hosted by UK Friends of Yad Sarah.
    Jewish News
    June 15, 2023
  • Yad Sarah’s equipment loans save Israel’s health system billions
    The Jewish state's largest national volunteer organization provides a vast quantity of medical and rehabilitative home-care equipment.
    Jewish News Syndicate (JNS)
    June 8, 2023
  • Why Israel innovates in healthcare and what the world can learn - opinion
    Shortcomings in the Israeli healthcare system have spurred life-changing innovations that the rest of the world should learn from.
    The Jerusalem Post
    June 7, 2023
  • Hope for Uniting the People of Israel
    Despite the fall of the most diverse Israeli government to date, Jewish-Arab collaboration is possible in Israel.
    The Jewish Journal
    August 5, 2022
  • Religious connection can inspire philanthropy
    According to Adele Goldberg, executive director of Friends of Yad Sarah, Inc., in New York City, religion can be a major driving force for donors, especially when taught from a young age.
    Cleveland Jewish News
    October 15, 2020
  • Together as One Nation: Am Yisrael Chai
    A response to ‘Israeli society needs to disengage from ultra-Orthodox’.
    Times of Israel
    October 4, 2020
  • IDF naval commando unit keeps oxygen flowing to civilian care centers, stressing ‘need of the hour’
    The Israel Defense Forces’ elite naval commando unit, Shayetet 13, has been making nonstop deliveries of oxygen cylinders to civilian care facilities that were struggling to get hold of supplies in recent weeks as hospitals raced to stock up on their own oxygen tanks.
    May 4, 2020
  • Emergency sensors offered for thousands of elderly people who live alone
    Some 20,000 elderly Israelis who live alone will receive emergency alert buttons and sensors from the Yad Sarah organization, after multiple elderly people were found dead alone in their homes.
    Jerusalem Post
    April 27, 2020
  • Labor Ministry to install distress sensors in homes of childless seniors
    Elderly Israelis to receive distress sensors at negligible price from the Yad Sarah, Labor and Welfare Ministry announces.
    April 27, 2020
  • Hope and solidarity
    The IDF has been at the forefront of helping people. In cooperation with Yad Sarah, they have been assisting in the delivery of the oxygen tanks.
    Jerusalem Post
    April 15, 2020
  • Mossad helps Israeli charity rescue life-saving ventilators from China
    In an effort to avoid an Italy-like scenario in which doctors would need to choose which patients would receive life-saving ventilators, the Israeli nonprofit group Yad Sarah launched a campaign to raise funds for the purchase of such equipment from abroad.
    World Israel News
    April 14, 2020
  • Israeli corona patients get special boost from naval commandos
    Shayetet 13 has decided to start filling oxygen tanks, and the unit reached out to the Yad Sarah organization, which provides medical supplies, for advice.
    Israel Hayom
    April 12, 2020
  • Yad Sarah – Helping Coronavirus Victims Breathe
    Aaron Frenkel, international philanthropist, investor and entrepreneur, is meeting the Coronavirus crisis head-on by pledging to match all donations made to Yad Sarah’s emergency campaign to bring life-saving respiratory equipment to Israel.
    Jerusalem Post
    April 5, 2020
  • As corona crisis grows, Israelis find a way to help out
    Yad Sarah, the volunteer organization that provides equipment and services for people coping with disabilities, aging and illness, set up a “Corona Line.”
    March 26, 2020
  • Purim in the Age of Coronavirus
    In Israel, Yad Sarah, the country’s largest volunteer-led social services agency, arranged a Coronavirus Hotline for people in quarantine to call in order to have medical equipment delivered to his or her home.
    The New York Jewish Week
    March 10, 2020
  • Yad Sarah announces coronavirus hotline and emergency delivery service
    Israel’s largest national volunteer organization, Yad Sarah, announced on Monday the creation of a coronavirus hotline for anyone under quarantine in the country that needs medical equipment delivered to their home.
    March 10, 2020
  • Yad Sarah constructs new Ashdod branch to serve more immigrants, elderly, families
    The volunteer medical aid organization Yad Sarah is responding to increasing demand for its services by opening a new multi-service center in Ashdod, home to one of Israel’s largest Russian-speaking olim, or immigrant, communities.
    Cleveland Jewish News
    August 7, 2019
  • New Yad Sarah Building Will Provide Resources to Immigrants, Elderly in Israel
    Volunteer medical aid organization Yad Sarah is opening a new multi-service center in Ashdod, Israel’s largest city in the South and home to one of Israel’s largest Russian-speaking olim, or immigrant, communities.
    Jewish Journal
    August 7, 2019
  • New Yad Sarah branch to open in Ashdod
    Volunteer medical aid organization Yad Sarah will serve city’s 222,000 residents, one-third of whom are immigrants.
    August 6, 2019
  • Travel in Israel for people with disabilities
    Yad Sarah is Israel’s largest volunteer-staffed organization, providing a wide array of compassionate health and home care services for people of all ages, with special programs directed at support for older adults and for children and adults with disabilities.
    New York Jewish Parenting Guide
    July 24, 2019
  • Travel in Israel for people with disabilities
    Yad Sarah is Israel’s largest volunteer-staffed organization, providing a wide array of compassionate health and home care services for people of all ages, with special programs directed at support for older adults and for children and adults with disabilities.
    New York Jewish Travel Guide
    July 24, 2019
  • Israeli medical charity opens branches in Akko, Tiberias
    The new Yad Sarah branch in Akko (Acre) will offer equipment lending, an equipment repair workshop, emergency alarm response, legal services, and wheelchair-accessible transportation in one of Israel’s most diverse cities. Seventy-two percent of Akko’s 55,000 residents are Jews, 25 percent are Muslim Arabs, and 2 percent are Christian Arabs, while almost 25 percent are new immigrants.
    The Jewish Advocate
    July 17, 2019
  • Yad Sarah opens two new branches providing health, social services in Israel
    The new branches in Akko and Tiberias represent the latest venues to mobilize the energy of Yad Sarah’s corps of 7,000-plus volunteers.
    July 10, 2019
  • School Israel trips evolve to keep up with society
    In the Israel trips run by 10 Bay Area Jewish day schools and high schools, students assemble crutches at Yad Sarah, an Israeli volunteer organization that provides free or low-cost assistance to the sick, disabled and elderly.
    The Jewish News of Northern California
    September 26, 2018
  • Giving and Getting: Inspiration for the High Holidays
    The assistance that Yad Sarah provided to Dadoun Cohen after the motorcycle accident, when she could not walk, and her triumphant return to leading services and inspiring others, reminds us that getting and giving are the threads that weave the fabric of our lives.
    Jewish Exponent
    September 12, 2018
  • Events coming up in Jewish Chicago
    Friends of Yad Sarah presents Adele Goldberg speaking on Israel’s Critical Needs, Yad Sarah’s Life-Changing Solutions. 9:30 a.m., Lake Shore Drive Synagogue, 70 E. Elm St., Chicago.
    The Chicago Jewish News
    June 3, 2018
  • On the road in Israel
    The students visited Yad Sarah, Israel’s largest volunteer organization that engages in acts of kindness for Jews and non-Jews in Israel, where they were given a tour and engaged in several hands-on activities... when 8th-grader Max Dayan celebrated his bar mitzvah, he earmarked all his gifts – every single one – for Yad Sarah Play Center and Toy Library for children with special needs.
    Connecticut Jewish Ledger
    April 25, 2018
  • As Israel Approaches its 70th Birthday, Let’s Care for the Country’s Builders
    Israeli society needs to support its builders by expanding access to social services and ensuring that nobody is left behind. Addressing this crucial priority, Yad Sarah is virtually the only organization whose primary mission is to care for Israel’s caretakers — to build up the builders to the point where they are whole again.
    Washington Jewish Week
    February 14, 2018
  • Compassion Is Part of Treatment
    For most of us, dental work is not at the top of our wish list. But for patients treated by Dr. Ihab Mansoure through Yad Sarah, a visit from the dentist could just be their greatest wish.
    Jewish Journal
    February 14, 2018
  • Women Who Give
    Yad Sarah, Israel’s largest volunteer-led social support agency, saves the Israeli government and healthcare system an estimated $300 million per year, and aids everyone—young, old, Jewish, Christian, Arab, Druze, men, women, religious and secular. Every day, I go to work, proud to serve as the Executive Director of Yad Sarah’s American office.
    Giving Tuesday Blog
    November 20, 2017
  • The Times of Israel: Tackling the Urban-Rural Health Care Divide
    Grantee Yad Sarah is working to provide healthcare services and equipment to individuals who live in the periphery of the country and frequently lack access to proper medical care.
    Helmsley Trust
    October 11, 2017
  • Tackling the Urban-Rural Health Care Divide: A Lesson from Israel’s Periphery
    There are dramatic differences in health outcomes between those who live in most of central Israel and those on the country’s northern and southern periphery. Through its “Home Hospital” program, Yad Sarah lends out medical equipment, from hospital beds and hoists to wheelchairs and oxygen tanks. Thus, whenever possible,the elderly, injured, and sick can receive care at home—not in a hospital.
    The Times Of Israel
    October 11, 2017
  • Facing Israel’s Healthcare Crisis: How Transformative Philanthropy Can Help the Most Vulnerable
    Building on its unique capabilities, Yad Sarah has developed a series of new initiatives in partnership with philanthropists like The Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust and the Komor Family to alleviate overcrowding in hospitals, reduce costs, and improve health care outcomes in novel and innovative ways.
    EJewish Philanthropy
    July 16, 2017
  • All you do the entire day is help people
    Run by 7,000 volunteers and 160 employees, Yad Sarah, Israel’s largest voluntary association, lends medical gear, transports the disabled and much more.
    May 4, 2017
  • Survivors of Riga Ghetto Make Final Grant
    The Society of Survivors of the Riga Ghetto – in their final official act as a group before disbanding due to their members’ passing and age – have contributed $30,000 to Yad Sarah. The gift to Yad Sarah, Israel’s largest volunteer-staffed organization, will support the organization’s dental clinic, which serves a disproportionate number of Holocaust survivors free of charge.
    The Jewish Voice
    April 24, 2017
  • Israel’s Yad Sarah has prescription for U.S. health care system
    A new Congress and a new administration are reassessing the efficacy of America’s health care system — and exploring solutions to contain rising costs while delivering better care. They could be well served by looking to a small nation thousands of miles away and one organization that has transformed that country’s health care landscape: Yad Sarah.
    Jewish Journal
    March 8, 2017
  • Grants Roundup
    Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust: $1.5 million to Yad Sarah, an Israeli volunteer organization, to expand projects that provide health care in Israel.
    The Chronicle of Philanthropy
    March 1, 2017
  • Social Service Organization Expands Domestic Violence Treatment to Southern Israel
    The Israeli social service organization Yad Sarah announced the opening of its second facility dedicated to the treatment of victims and perpetrators of domestic violence. Yad Sarah’s new “family center” in Israel’s western Negev region joins the organization’s existing domestic violence treatment center in Jerusalem, which opened in 2000.
    January 5, 2017
  • Social Service Organization Expands Domestic Violence Treatment to Southern Israel
    Dr. Shlomit Lehman, director of Yad Sarah’s family centers, said the organization decided to open a Negev-based facility due to the need for such services in southern Israel, particularly for those who “suffer from the trauma and disruptions of the ongoing Gaza conflict.”
    January 4, 2017
  • Yad Sarah Family Center to Open New Location Serving Domestic Violence Victims in Israel’s South
    Today, Yad Sarah, Israel’s largest volunteer-led organization, announced the opening of a Family Center in the western Negev to treat victims and perpetrators of domestic violence. It is the program’s second location, which is open to people in Israel of all backgrounds and has been widely recognized for its success in supporting the Orthodox community to address the complexities and sensitivities of domestic violence.
    The Jewish Link
    December 29, 2016
  • Yad Sarah to fight domestic abuse in the Negev
    Yad Sarah, Israel’s largest volunteer-led organization, has announced the opening of a Family Center in the western Negev to treat victims and offer counseling and anger management groups for perpetrators of domestic violence. It is the second location for the program, which has been widely recognized for its success in addressing the complexities and sensitivities of domestic violence.
    San Diego Jewish World
    December 28, 2016
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