Friends of Yad Sarah Blog



A Mitzvah Fair at Temple Sinai in Roslyn, NY enabled us to reach out to members of the community interested in learning more about Yad Sarah. The synagogue youth group recently returned from a trip to Israel; a visit to Yad Sarah was on the group's itinerary. The teens enjoyed their visit to Yad Sarah and shared their impressions of the organization. Please visit us on Instagram, and post your own impressions using the hashtag #BecauseofYadSarah.

Giving students a unique opportunity to connect with Israel and Yad Sarah


Eighth grade students at Stamford, CT's Bi-Cultural Day School eagerly anticipate the month-long trip to Israel as they have for close to 45 years in the school's history. This year, a stop at Yad Sarah for a full tour of the Jerusalem headquarters, a turn in the equipment workshop assembling crutches and a visit to the Play Center for children with Special Needs, aprogram selected by Max Dayan to benefit from his bar mitzvah gifts. Every child in the class contributed to Max's project and had the opportunity to see their tzedakah in action. Read Full Article in the Jewish Ledger

Tourist Services expands to include training on Accessible Tourism


The first graduating class of 26 tour guides was recognized at a recent ceremony at Yad Sarah House, helping to insure inclusion for tourists with special needs.  The course, designed to heighten awareness of travelers with special needs, reviewed the options for accessible tourism with practical information and resources.  The course also shared information on how technological advances can support the tourist with mobility issues.  Israel's Minister of Tourism, Amir Halevi, was on hand to congratulate the graduates.  Read more about it in this recent article in the Jerusalem Post: Yad Sarah's Tourist Services division provides support to travelers with special needs by offering the same services available to residents:  lending of medical and home care equipment, wheelchair-accessible transportation, guidance on accessible tourist sites and accommodations.  Although there is no charge for borrowing equipment, tourists may opt to pay to have the equipment delivered and picked up from their hotel or...

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Compassion is part of treatment


Yad Sarah Dental Clinics continue to grow, adding treatment hours to reduce waiting times in the Jerusalem clinic, and adding dentists and dental assistants at the new mobile dental clinics in the north and south of the country – a project now in its second year. In addition to hundreds of low-income, elderly people who are treated at the Jerusalem dental clinic, Yad Sarah dentists in the mobile clinics anticipate1,400 treatments to disabled, home-bound people in 2018. A recent article about Yad Sarah's mobile dental clinic in Los Angeles' Jewish Journal, brings attention to the diversity among our staff and volunteers, as well as the homebound patients in need of care.  Read more about it here:

Tackling the Urban-Rural Health Care Divide: Times of Israel Op-Ed

Leah Palmer assists a client with an equipment loan in Yeruham, a town in the Southern periphery.

There are dramatic differences in health outcomes between those who live in most of central Israel and those on the country's northern and southern periphery.  Addressing this disparity requires several solutions, including Yad Sarah's "Home Hospital" program, recently introduced in Israel's Southern periphery. Through Yad Sarah's "Home Hospital" program, the organization lends out medical equipment from hospital beds and hoists to wheelchairs and oxygen tanks to, whenever possible, enable the elderly, injured and sick to receive care at home -- not in a hospital.  By facilitating timelier discharges of patients, the program promises to reduce pressure on overwhelmed hospitals and ensure that beds are available for those in greatest need.  

Facing Israel's Healthcare Crisis: Yad Sarah's role

With hospitals in Israel struggling with overcrowding, and a report from the Ministry of Health indicating that 44% of Israelis are frustrated by long waits and overwhelmed medical staff, Yad Sarah is uniquely positioned to address some of these issues by ensuring that options for home care make it possible for people to receive care at home.   Two foundations -- The Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust and the Rosenbojm-Komor Foundation -- have supported projects that promote the availability of home care equipment in Israel's periphery where the challenges facing communities in rural areas is particularly acute.  The foundations are also supporting the expansion of Yad Sarah's dental clinic, reducing wait time for primary and specialist care in the Jerusalem clinic and expanding Yad Sarah's mobile capacity, thereby bringing much needed dental care to the frail elderly at home.  As no relief is in sight from the government, private...

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Gift Annuity Programs: A lesson from my father, the accountant


My father did not take risks lightly. Born in Poland and raised in Israel, he was reluctant to leave his comfortable (if unglamorous) job with the Israeli electric company for something bigger—and ris...

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Op-Ed: Yad Sarah has a prescription for US health care system

Op-Ed:  Yad Sarah has a prescription for US health care system

The United States might be able to learn from Yad Sarah's unique model for home health care delivery.   Yad Sarah works to give people in Israel access to medical resources in a way that ultimately reduces stress on the national medical system while increasing the quality of care received.  After establishing the Lending Service, Yad Sarah's largest and most basic service initiative, the organization followed with a home hospitalization program, enabling people to accept a timely hospital discharge and return home to the care of family or friends.  Not only does the home hospitalization program help make patients more comfortable in their own surroundings, it also addresses the chronic overcrowding of Israeli hospitals and saves the Israeli economy nearly $400 million per annum. To read the full Op-Ed from the Jewish Journal, use this link:

With Yad Sarah, every day can be Independence Day

With Yad Sarah, every day can be Independence Day

Yad Sarah's Lending Service is the organization's largest service, making health and home care equipment available at 100+ branches all over Israel.  With more than 150 different kinds of home care equipment available, Yad Sarah makes it possible for people with special needs to remain as independent as possible, inside and outside the home.   Since durable medical and home care equipment is not a benefit provided by Israeli health insurance, Yad Sarah loans equipment to anyone in need, enabling people to cope with illness and injury at home and in the community among family, friends, and everyday surroundings.  The provision of medical equipment facilitates a timely hospital discharge, significantly reducing health care costs as well as exposure to institution-based infections.  The Exhibition and Guidance Center, located in Jerusalem, Beersheva, Modiin, Haifa, Raanana, Rishon LeZion permit people and their family caregivers to review mobility and home care equipment options and receive...

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Volunteers help families of the fallen mark Yom HaZikaron

Volunteers help families of the fallen mark Yom HaZikaron

On Yom HaZikaron, Israel's Memorial Day, Yad Sarah volunteers gathered at Har Herzl Military Cemetery to help family members of fallen soldiers visit the graves of their loved ones, and Yad Sarah wheelchair-accessible vans brought people to and from the cemetery.  #BecauseofYadSarah all Israelis could honor this special day.

Beersheva area clients need accessible transportation

Beersheva area clients need accessible transportation

A gift of $28,000 is needed to complete the purchase of a wheelchair accessible van for Yad Sarah in Beersheva.   This large branch, the flagship branch for Israel's south, serves Beersheva and the surrounding communities with equipment loans and repair, homebound outreach, an Exhibition Center, Yad Riva Legal Services for the elderly, and Day Rehabilitation. The van is needed to enable the Day Rehab program to accommodate additional clients in the program.   Rotary of Beersheva has committed 100,000 NIS to the project and has secured a match of 100,000 NIS from Rotary International.  An additional gift of $28,000 is needed to help purchase the van.  The donor will share the dedication with the Rotary group, and names will be listed on the doors of the van in English and Hebrew.  Interested in this unique tribute?  Contact us:  1-866-YAD-SARAH or via email:       

We all want to be remembered on holidays.

We all want to be remembered on holidays.

Every year, Friends of Yad Sarah raises money to send Purim baskets to the isolated and homebound in Israel, hand-delivered by volunteers.  For many recipients, it is their only moment of Purim celebration and truly lights up their lives.  They feel remembered, cherished and included.   This year, generous friends in the USA spread joy to the homebound and isolated in the Beersheva area by sponsoring over 150 Purim baskets.    Purim is a time of charity, miracles and Jewish unity. What better way to be a part of these ideas than giving Mishloach Manot to Israel’s lonely and vulnerable?

Helmsley Grant to Yad Sarah will expand Home Hospital Program and Mobile Dental Clinics in Israel's Periphery

Helmsley Grant to Yad Sarah will expand Home Hospital Program and Mobile Dental Clinics in Israel's Periphery

The Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust has announced two grants totaling $1.5 million to Yad Sarah for two projects that will expand access to healthcare for residents of Israel’s periphery. The first grant for $750,000 will support the expansion of Yad Sarah’s Home Hospital program in Israel’s southern periphery. The second grant, also for $750,000, will support the expansion of Yad Sarah’s mobile dental clinics to homebound elderly and disabled people in Israel’s northern and southern peripheries who cannot access affordable dental care. Yad Sarah has pledged to raise a matching sum to assure unsurpassed service to the residents of the periphery. Yad Sarah’s Home Hospital program provides equipment and services for patients at home. Started as a pilot program in 2014, the Home Hospital program has distributed thousands of electric beds, patient hoists, and other related equipment to patients seeking home-based recuperation and rehabilitation. With the Helmsley Charitable...

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Yad Sarah's Family Center expands domestic violence treatment services to Israel's southern region

Yad Sarah's Family Center expands domestic violence treatment services to Israel's southern region

Yad Sarah announced the opening of a Family Center in the western Negev to treat victims and perpetrators of domestic violence. It is the second location for the program, which has been widely recognized for its success in addressing the complexities and sensitivities of domestic violence. “We work very closely with community leadership to address this issue in all of its complexities,” said Dr. Shlomit Lehman, who directs the Center. “There is a huge need for these services, which is why we were asked to open another center to serve people in the south, many of whom also suffer from the trauma and disruptions of the ongoing Gaza conflict.” The organization’s Family Center in Jerusalem, which operates out of the Yad Sarah House, has been successful in empowering women, men and children to cope with abuse and heal from the trauma and pain of domestic abuse. The new location will open...

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Netanya branch plans for expansion

Netanya branch plans for expansion

A plan is in place to expand the Netanya branch, bringing additional Yad Sarah services to the Netanya community and enabling expansion of existing programs.   Located in a residential neighborhood, the branch will be building up, adding a third floor and planning for a possible fourth floor in the future.   For the Day Rehabilitation Program, the renovation will enable the program to increase the number of participants and involve more volunteers, broaden the range of therapeutic activities, and enable life-enriching social contact.  We plan to increase the capacity of the Lending Service, insuring that volunteers have the resources they need to assist others and provide more space for Yad Sarah's Exhibition Center, helping people understand the options for adaptive equipment and providing guidance on community resources.   The renovation will also add a second elevator to facilitate access for people with special needs.  Office space will be designated for...

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Unleash the Power of Play: Help Yad Sarah care for Israel’s children with special needs

Unleash the Power of Play: Help Yad Sarah care for Israel’s children with special needs

Yad Sarah is raising funds to complete a state-of-the art upgrade to our Play Center – a safe space for carefree play for hundreds of Israel's children with special needs. We have already secured more than half of the funds necessary to realize our vision for the Play Center. We just need to raise $15,000 more. A generous donor is willing to match every donation we receive for this project between now and #GivingTuesday, November 29th. This #GivingTuesday, unleash the power of play. Give Israel's children with special needs a place where they can thrive. Donate Now!  

November 29th is Giving Tuesday

November 29th is Giving Tuesday

#GivingTuesday is a global day of giving fueled by the power of social media and collaboration. Celebrated on the Tuesday following Thanksgiving (in the USA) and the widely recognized shopping events Black Friday and Cyber Monday, #GivingTuesday kicks off the charitable season, when many focus on their holiday and end-of-year giving.

Yad Sarah celebrates 40 years!

Yad Sarah celebrates 40 years!

Launched in 1976, Yad Sarah is celebrating its 40th year of providing vital health and home care support services to people of all ages in Israel.  Although Yad Sarah is best known for its extensive Lending Service for medical equipment, the organization's volunteers also provide in-home geriatric dental care, reach out to the homebound, staff our Play Center for children with special needs, and advocate for the elderly at risk for abuse and financial exploitation.   Click on this photo to learn more about the growth of Yad Sarah over the years!

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month

The Family Center is a program at Yad Sarah for the treatment and prevention of domestic violence. According to a recent report by a leading Israeli women’s organization, approximately 200,000 women in Israel are victims of domestic violence. The report noted that over the past year, 7,335 women were treated in 89 centers for domestic violence across the country and that some 600,000 children have witnessed domestic violence.[1] More than 15 years ago, Dr. Shlomit Lehman, an experienced therapist with a professional background in treating couples and families affected by domestic violence, approached Yad Sarah with the idea of creating an initiative to help address domestic violence in the haredi community, which had no therapeutic options specifically designed around their needs and beliefs. Dr. Lehman sought to create a program for members of haredi couples and families which would take into account the unique attributes of haredi society, cooperate closely with an...

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Challenging assumptions about aging

Challenging assumptions about aging

Happy 100th birthday to Yehuda Losky, Yad Sarah's oldest volunteer!    At a time when many older people have slowed down, become ill and infirm and are dependent on support services, Yehuda has no plans to retire.  His story is a story of positive aging, remaining active and engaged with the community well into late-life.  "All my life, I have helped people, and as long as I am able to stand on my own two feet, I will continue to do it.  Everybody can volunteer" he said. For the past 27 years, Yehuda can be found every Wednesday at the organization's multi-service center in Rishon LeZion, repairing wheelchairs and other equipment and helping to ensure these items are ready for loan to the next recipient.  He is the "go to" guy for equipment repairs, helping other volunteers and providing guidance in the busy repair shop.  He arrives early on Fridays --...

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